
He said that Richard said and then I said  

Posted by pBerry in , ,

The New Christians
Fresh off of back surgery, Tony Jones is blogging a reaction to Richard Mouw's article in Newsweek, Less Shouting, More Talking. Below is my response to Tony, plus one more thought.

Tony, you may be right that a 'yes' vote on Prop 8 hinders Mouw as he attempts civil dialogue. It may well be that he loses a bit of trust with some. But it seems this is not a Mouw problem. I would submit that most Californians were not ready for a vote on this, Mouw included. Mouw wants to continue to talk. But with the issue brought before him, would you suggest that he should have voted?

Our vote should not disqualify us from further discussion. Far from it! If GLBT persons and the evangelicals who favor their ability to marry wish to see change, they must go about it with (if I might quote you quoting Newbigin) proper confidence.


One more thoughts:

As an elder in the PCUSA, this is a hot button issue right now. I've got my opinion, but I'm still processing. I've heard good, passionate, biblically based arguements from faithful people on both sides of the debate. I appreciate these people so much and if there's one thing they've taught me, it's that it is not nearly as clear cut as most people want me to believe. My charge to everyone: be passionate, argue well, argue respectfully, and listen.

And the last one chiefly.

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